Hi Eaters.
Still on the edition of "delicious street foods" from #designerdoyanmakan, here I would like to share my dining experience about a unique dish.
So this all started out as I was invited to try this dish. The dish was "bakmi karet". You might wonder what is "bakmi karet"? So this is a kind of noodle with chewy texture, most likely resembling rubber, with a much bigger size than the regular noodles.
I found myself again that morning, roaming the streets of Jakarta, to have a bite of this unique noodles at Bakmi Ayam Karet Krekot.
Hi Eaters.
Keeping my words on writing about street foods, I came across this particular "warung makan". Well, it accidentally happened when I was visiting friends. Apparently he knows a lot of good "warung makan" and often took me to several of them. I'm still waiting for inputs from you guys, though. Do inform me about a great "warung makan" and I'll make sure to have a stop-by then.
Back to the review. Well for this review, I did the same mistake again (gosh, how did I ever do that?!). I, once again, forgot to bring my camera. So I have to apologize (again) for the low quality image. Noted that this will be the last time I did this fatal error.
So without further a due, I'm going to tell you about my culinary journey at Pondok Lesehan Gayatri.
Hi Eaters.
Healthy lifestyle has been a concern in today's generation. A lot of healthy-guaranteed products (or so they claimed to be) are out on the market, and even restaurants and eateries also have begin to show their concerns regarding healthy food.
But when I talk about healthy food, I like something that came from nature. Something like fruits and vegetables. Maybe juices.
And it's exciting to know that there is a new spot to get a really healthy juice. The new spot is called Re.juve.
Hi Eaters.
Have you ever felt hungry when it's late midnight? Unless you're always prepared and stocked a bunch of snacks in the house, well going for a stroll looking for a place to eat might be an alternative (unless you want to ignore that hunger).
This happened to me when I was sleeping over at a friend's house. Yeah, it was weekeend and we boys like to stay late and watch football. The game had ended about an hour after midnight and I was quite hungry. I'm not the type of guy who would ignore rumbling stomach.
But anyway, my friend's house is located at Kelapa Gading, and at that time he suggested me to get a light meal at Ropita ACI Gading.
Hi Eaters.
That Sunday night, me and my friends went out to the movies. We were going to watch a movie which starred our favourite old action movie actors. Yeah, I'm sure you know what movie I'm talking about.
Well, our checkpoint to see the movie was La Piazza. And once we've done buying the movie tickets, apparently the movie starts within the next hour. So we thought to get dinner in a nearby restaurant. Our choice was Solaria.
Hi Eaters.
Last Friday I got to hang out with some of my foodie friends. Yeaayyy!
This is just something that I love to do.
We decided to hang out in my favourite spot, Mall Kota Kasablanka. For our hang out spot, we chose Pepper Lunch.
Hi Eaters.
I've been hearing a lot about this place and actually I had some plans to come visit it. And so luckily Zomato invited me to this place for a foodie meet up.
Just couldn't believe I was invited, and so happy since I will be meeting so many people with the same interest and could have a chat with them over a cup of coffee.
Super thanks also to Uber Jakarta for providing the transportation needed to get to the Foodie Meetup. Super excited.
Now, let me tell you my culinary diary at Crematology Coffee Roasters.
Hi Eaters.
Last Sunday was our nation's independence day. And also that day a friend of mine asked me if I want to go and hang out with her. Well we then searched for a nearby restaurant which we haven't visited before. And we've finally decided on a restaurant called Bukit Bintang Resto.
Hi Eaters.
Sushi is definitely one of my most favourite Japanese cuisines. As I would say, sushi is a small bite of heaven. Just to describe how much I am loving the dish.
Some renowned sushi restaurants have already been in my visiting list. But one particular one hasn't. It offers affordable sushi with price tags that are easy on your pocket.
This is my culinary diary at Sushi Miya8i.
Hi Eaters.
I have mentioned before that I just love to do a second visit to a restaurant that is in the top of my list for certain cuisine.
I took the opportunity last Sunday to looked back on my list and found that there was only one restaurant that is on the top of my list when it comes for tempura. Yes, I called it the "Tempura Maestro" since its tempura was that good. If you're curious just how good the tempura is, stay tune on this review about Ten Ten.
Hi Eaters.
So it's been nearly a year since I wrote a review about this restaurant.
Anyway, this restaurant is my favourite spot to eat seafood at Kelapa Gading. Why? Well, mainly because its 50% discount for crab menus. Sadly, that promo isn't available anymore. Now the crab menus only get 20% discount. Well, at least there's still a price cut for the crabs. So I decided to have another dine at Sampan Seafood.
Hi Eaters.
There is never a place too far if you just want good food. Am I right? I never hesitate to go the distance for a good meal.
Actually this review is going to talk about a "warung makan" which I had planned to visit before a couple of days before the Eid Mubarak (you can check my previous review about Bakmi Bintang Gading). But because it was closed back then, I just had the chance to visit it last Saturday. Well, anyway I was informed not to come any later than 8 am if I don't want to run out on the food.
So that Saturday, I specifically roamed the streets of Jakarta at 7 am, just to grab a bite at Bakmie Akuet.
Hi Eaters.
Lately I've been writing so much about Asian cuisines. And most of them are Korean cuisines.
Well, Korean restaurants are quite plenty in Jakarta, but most of them serve Korean BBQ, right? But this particular Korean restaurant which I visited the other day had a different concept. It also serves affordable Korean street foods. I was pretty anxious hearing this.
So without further delay, let me tell you about my exciting visit to Seigo Dakgalbi.
Hi Eaters.
As promised before, I would like to write something about "street foods". You know in Jakarta there are just a lot of "warung makan" on the side of the street that might surprisingly offer delicious food. So if you are bored reading about fine dinings, or if you want to know a nice "warung makan", stay tune in this review.
This particular "warung makan" which I visited sells chicken porridge. I was told by my blog reader about this "warung" and was so eager to find out by myself.
My review today is going to be about Bubur Ayam Jakarta.
Hi Eaters.
So lately I've been writing so much about Asian culinaries. Please don't get bored, lol.
And today I would like to write another Asian culinary dishes. I'm going to write about dimsum. Absolutely my favourite dishes of all Asian cuisines.
As you know there are so many restaurants that serve dimsum on their menus, but not all of them can be found appetizing and tasty.
A friend of mine recommended a particular restaurant which he said serves great dimsum. So I just had to go and taste the dimsum at MAD Modern Asian Diner.
Hi Eaters.
Well, it was just weeks ago since my last visit here.
You might recall that Lottemart is a place where I like to do my grocery shopping. And yes, there I was that day, on the second day of Eid Mubarak, doing grocery shopping in the nice and quiet Jakarta (the streets of Jakarta are pretty pleasing during Eid Mubarak, lol). And yes again, I took the time to grab a bite at my favourite fast-food restaurant, Lotteria.
Hi Eaters.
So as you all know, we have reached the end of fasting month with the Eid Mubarak falls on last Monday and Tuesday. As in every year, there are quite a lot of restaurants closed during those days.
Well, recently I was informed of another "warung" that sells delicious noodles. Calculating the date, I decided to go there at Saturday, in hopes that the "warung" will still be open. And unfortunately, it was closed when I got there.
Having determined myself that I will eat noodles that day, I search around for a great spot that sells great noodles. Much to my disappointment, so many of them were closed. A ray of light shined after I found there was one that was open that day,Bakmi Bintang Gading.
Hi Eaters.
Have you ever heard of a quote that says: "Coffee Drinkers Make Better Lovers"?
I'm quite a coffee drinker, and anything positive that goes with my habit would have my agreement, lol. Well, coffee is just my type of endorphin. And I'm always loving every sip of my coffee.
And a couple of days before, I went to a quite renown coffee shop, Dante Coffee.